Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dewey's pragmatic views and artistic process

When first brought into the lime light, Dewey’s views on art were widely criticized by other philosophers of his time stating that his theories were not truly pragmatic. PRAGMATIC, after a very awkward 20 minutes sitting in silence we learned that when someone is pragmatic they believe in approaching things in a practical way they also believe that the truth must be tested. Dewey’s view on art is one that has great potential in my mind. His emphasis on the process in which art is created is something that I think should be noticed. I think the process in which the work of art is created gives the specific work its quality and value. An artist who spent their entire life working on a piece in my opinion will evoke more emotion within an audience then a student who sketches a flower on their notebook. But it could be argued by some that both pieces could provoke strong emotions from an audience. This makes one wonder if Dewey’s emphasis on the process takes away from the actual quality of the piece of art.